Let's talk about a wedding that was nothing short of magical – the union of Sigga and Kristján. From our very first meeting at their cozy home in Copenhagen, where we chatted about wedding plans over mouthwatering cinnamon rolls from an Icelandic bakery, I knew their celebration was going to be special.

The big day kicked off with first look in the harbor area in Grandi – a moment filled with anticipation, love, and the promise of a beautiful future. And guess who joined the celebration? Their two adorable boys, turning the day into a family affair full of joy and laughter.

The Reykjavík Cathedral provided the perfect backdrop for their heartfelt ceremony. Love echoed through the grand arches as Sigga and Kristján exchanged vows, surrounded by the warmth of their closest friends and family.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the celebration shifted to the Kjarval Museum, a place of beauty and art. The museum, closing its doors at 17:00, posed a little challenge – but fear not, because their best friends worked their magic. In just an hour, the dining area was transformed into a haven of celebration, adorned with love and laughter.

The reception was a feast for the senses, a symphony of joy as guests toasted to the beginning of Sigga and Kristján's new chapter. The museum's artistic ambiance combined with the love in the air created an atmosphere that will linger in the hearts of all who attended.

Here's to Sigga and Kristján – a couple whose love story is as sweet as those cinnamon rolls we enjoyed during our first meeting.